5 Reasons Why a Business VoIP Solution Improves Customer Service

Around the world, there is an ever-widening gap between customer service departments that are not willing to change with the times and those that are. Modern consumers are empowered more than ever before; indeed, with one phone call, or one click of a button, a customer may very well expect that a transaction will be instantly completed, an appointment will be immediately scheduled or an issue will be promptly resolved.

As senior management, you are most certainly interested in your service levels and the quality of the service you provide. One powerful driver that can boost both is a well-integrated VoIP phone system. Here are 5 reasons why you should have a serious think about using a VoIP solution for your customer service department.


5 Reasons Why You need Business VoIP


  1. Savings

Business VoIP phone systems offer reduced costs compared to traditional telecommunications.

Since everything is done over the Internet through the power of the cloud, there is less overhead for hardware and less costs associated with maintenance. This means that you can spend less time worrying about replacing expensive hardware and the cost of scaling up your operation and more about how best to use the money you’ll save elsewhere.

  1. Analytics

With an integrated VoIP infrastructure in place, it will be much easier to analyse your agents’ performance metrics and keep your finger on the pulse of the company’s customer-facing interactions.  Know who’s calling, when they’re calling and how long they’re waiting before the phone is answered.  Through intuitive analytics, you can make small tweaks to your business that can make a big difference.


  1. Productivity

It is apparent that service levels and customer satisfaction are directly related. Therefore, any way to free up your agents from unnecessary interactions can be a huge boost to your organisation’s bottom line. As part of a VoIP package, an IVR system can answer customer questions, verify ID, and appropriately channel call volume, all without tying up agents on the floor.


  1. CRM integration

The importance of an effective customer relationship management (CRM) system can hardly be overstated. When a customer calls in, the ability to access his contact information, past purchases, and previous interactions with your company can be invaluable in successfully navigating any issues or concerns that he may have. On the other hand, a CRM system that allows for intuitive note-taking, along with other record-keeping features, can be a great asset for the next agent that may take the customer’s call.

A business VoIP solution also has the capability to support additional features that could enhance your call centre’s productivity. For example, instead of just making and taking calls, your system may support video conferencing for managers and executives.


  1. Technical support

Without the burden of a complicated or diffused hardware infrastructure, your IT department, whether in-house or outsourced, will be able to much more effectively troubleshoot any technical issues that arise. Furthermore, many of the mundane maintenance tasks can be more easily performed.

As you can see, there are several compelling reasons to consider implementing a business VoIP solution for your customer service department. If you are interested in learning more, please get in touch with us at Windsor Telecom. We’d be more than happy to provide you with further information.

Read more about the benefits of VoIP for your business and what you need to consider before migrating to a VoIP system.