40% of Calls to Freephone numbers Now Originate from Mobile Phones

In 2015 Ofcom passed a legislation meaning that 0800 freephone numbers could be contacted free of charge from both landlines & mobiles. Freephone would really mean freephone! However, nothing in life is free, so somebody had to pay for the call. Historically, mobile phone networks had made a considerable amount of revenue by charging their customers to call a freephone number. Some may remember that in order to call an 080 number, you would need to redial, dropping the first zero.

New OFCOM legislation

Ofcom introduced this legislation to comply with their ongoing motive – transparency within the industry. If you call a freephone number, it should be free. Of course it should.

Initial reaction from businesses that owned 0800 numbers, was a nervous one. They have already gone above and beyond by providing their customers with a number that is free of charge to call. They cared about customer service and welcomed enquiries. However, now, they would not only pay their existing charges, but they would pay additional fees for customers to call them from a mobile phone. Some of these panicked and decided that the right thing to do was bar callers from mobiles being able to get through to their number. This in itself was extremely ironic. Having a freephone number to promote customer service, and barring callers!

Introduction of bundled minutes

To answer this dilemma, we introduced minute bundles. These bundles were offered to existing clients, offering them a cheaper pence per minute rate than if they chose the pay as you go option. This was very well received, an all in one package with no hidden costs and no more variation or spikes in phone bills.

Back in 2015 when the legislation was enforced, approximately 95% of calls to 080 numbers, came from fixed landlines. Almost 3 years later, our statistics show that approximately 40% of calls to freephone numbers originate from mobile phones. In fact, during off-peak times, calls originating from mobile phones are actually greater than those originating from landlines. The shift in behaviour shows no sign of slowing.

We think these figures prove 080 numbers are by far the most powerful choice in the industry. Despite them being more expensive to run than they were 3 years ago, they are still the most popular. Businesses are still gaining increased enquiries due to them having a freephone number. This trend is just too strong to break.

Regardless of the size of an organisation, regardless of your target market and regardless of your demographics. It is proven that having an 080 number will increase your enquires and generate leads. What other number range could possibly go through such a dramatic change and still come out on top? With over 90% of the adult population in the UK currently owning a smartphone, it is now easier than ever for your customers to call you. No matter where they are or what they are doing, their mobile phone is never far away.

0800 freephone numbers = winning

Once a business owner makes the decision to use a freephone number, they will never use another number again. Not only does it give them the right image, but it makes them more money. By having a freephone number, you are showing customers that you are putting them first. A Freephone number can help to increase your call volumes by as much as 185% – vital to building a new customer base and essential for offering national appeal. Windsor Telecom can offer you a number from as little as £12.50 + vat per month. Surely that is a sound investment?

Get an 0800 number with us today along with our extensive suite of clever call handling technology.