Why Businesses Need a Disaster Recovery Plan

Success in the unexpected: Why businesses need a disaster recovery plan

Disaster strikes – sink, swim or time to shine? Do you have a disaster recovery plan?

The thing about planning for the unknown is that you can never imagine every possible scenario that could have disastrous results for your business.

And let’s be honest, we’ve all sat in those team briefings running through tired old scenarios, where every sentence begins with ‘in the event of’ and it might seem unlikely that anything will ever happen, but the statistics speak for themselves.

In fact 35% of outages are caused by natural disasters and 45% are operational. These are very telling statistics, as to how unavoidable outages can be. So how quickly do you think you could get back up and running after a natural disaster or any other major interruption?


Mitigating the impact on your customers

If customer service is the key differentiator for your business in today’s market, then you need to think carefully about the impact on them if there was a flood or a power outage at your main site. It takes years to build brand loyalty but only one major service-affecting incident to break that trust.

With the right inbound solution, you can ensure your customers are looked after, their calls can be rerouted to an alternative site quickly and efficiently; and ultimately, the service you deliver to them, remains unaffected.


Making sure your people are safe and productive

Reputation is everything in business, and that stands with both your customers and the people you employ. You need to make sure your staff are safe, looked after and able to work flexibly, but efficiently, from an alternative location, or from the safety of their own homes. It’s wise to ensure that your inbound solution means your staff can work flexibly from any location, on any device.

Disaster recovery time

When disaster strikes, it can be all consuming for your business and although it’s tempting to focus your efforts inwardly, and it’s true that you need to galvanise and pull together as a team, this is a prime window of opportunity where your competitors can exploit the situation and grab your clients.

The right inbound functionality can safeguard your customers ensuring all calls are handled and their experience is maintained, regardless of your internal issues, you can keep delivering excellence and maintain focus on driving the bottom line.


Cost is key

An inbound solution platform with an advanced built-in disaster recovery functionality, hosted in the cloud, can help you drive cost savings from day one. If you remove your reliance from legacy on-site solutions, you can naturally move towards a business continuity first approach and even in dire straits you know you and your teams can keep on performing and putting your customers first.

Ultimately you need a robust disaster recovery phone system. One that can help you maintain continuity and keep your customers informed professionally. With Windsor Telecom’s 0800 number packages not only do you get a 0800 number you also get additional features that includes disaster recovery. You can set up an audio announcement that will initiate when you can’t answer a call. Or you’ll be able to route all calls to an alternative number.

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