What your business is missing out on by not porting

Shake your business routine up by porting your number

Humans are creatures of habit. All of us have daily occurrences. Whether it be the time we take lunch, our morning routine or the route that we walk the dog – we, as humans, are comfortable with what we know.

The same can be said for many businesses with weekly meetings, coffee mornings and monthly reviews. This also extends to the products and services that we use every day, with many businesses sticking to what they have, rather than attempting to better what they have. Consistency makes businesses comfortable but it can also lead to complacency.


The importance of a number

For customers, speaking to a business on a phone is the preferred method of contact, especially when they want immediate action. There’s nothing quite like talking to someone when you want to know how something works and what it can do for you. That’s why businesses see their phone number as not just a way for customers to contact them but as part of their brand.

It’s also an area many businesses take for granted. With customers often allowing the service that they receive from their telephone provider to go untouched, when, with little effort, they can port their number elsewhere and gain a wide range of benefits.

Keep your number, get better service and lower costs

Many businesses are worried that porting will require their number to be changed, resulting in missed calls, upset customers and damage to the bottom line. This isn’t true.

Porting means that your existing number will move with you to the new provider, allowing you to keep your number that your customers know and often memorise, whilst also enjoying the benefits of a new provider who will look after you better.

With Windsor Telecom, you can start the porting process by following three easy steps that require little effort because we’ll do all the hard work for you. It’s much more than moving from one company to another with us, as we’ll not only be the safe pair of hands throughout the entire porting process but also give you complete control over your number and you’ll also be entitled to our outstanding five star Trustpilot certified service.

In addition, you’ll also gain more access over your number thanks to a wide range of call tech features. These exciting tools give you more power to not only make instant changes via our easy-to-use portal but also better understand your calls and also improve your customer journey.

Get the benefits of porting your number today

Call us on 0800 160 1111 or fill in the form below to get in touch with us today about how porting your number across to Windsor Telecom will provide you with a wealth of benefits for your existing number.

Port your number today!