The Five Secret Hacks of Remote Working

Five secret hacks to remote working

Unified communications including coordinated internet phone numbers and software-based communication features are making it more possible than ever to allow your employees to work from home, much to the benefit of both team members and the company as a whole. There are so many positive reasons to expand your team to include remote working, whether that includes inviting current team members to telecommute more often or hiring new employees who could only work for you remotely.

The incredible innovations of cloud-based business phones have opened the doors. Now we’re here to explore the five secret hacks of remote working for your team:


1. Improve the Health and Morale of Staff

When staff members are able to work from home, they are also better able to take care of their physical health and mental wellness. No more vending-machine lunches or quick burgers. Staff can cook their usual healthy meals in their own kitchens for lunch. Any stress that accumulates in the office environment isn’t an issue when staff work from home.

Team members who usually come into the office will feel liberated by remote work and morale will rise through the roof as they perform work tasks from the comfort of their own home.


2. Promote Productivity and Efficiency with Optimised Home Offices

You might be surprised, but remote work also has a remarkable way of boosting productivity and efficiency. Employees are free from the distractions of coworkers and the general office environment. With a warm mug of tea and the freedom to work at their desk, professionals often have an easier time fully immersing in their work when working from home. They will fidget less, watch the clock less, and can optimise their home office to whatever the most productive working environment is for them as an individual.


3. Hire Great Talent Outside Commuter Range

Remote working is fantastic for the company as well, as it opens the doors to new and highly valuable talent. Without remote working, you can only hire people who live near enough to commute or who can be relocated. With remote working, you can hire the top talent interested in your positions and gain the benefit of their expertise no matter where they are located. If a renowned industry professional lives several cities away but wants to work with your team, they don’t need to be asked to move. With remote work, you can hire your best candidates promptly and get them started without pause or hesitation.

4. Less travel reduces the carbon footprint

If your business shares the growing culture of green initiatives, you’ll also be pleased to consider how beneficial remote working can be for the environment. Each day, every professional in your employ must drive to and from work. But when they work remotely, this is no longer a concern. Each day that an employee works remotely is two car trips they do not take. A team that becomes remote-friendly can significantly reduce the company’s carbon footprint.

5. Greater Flexibility and Accessibility In Your Company Culture

Even better is how remote working opens up your staff to provide even greater flexibility and accessibility to your staff. Parents who take leave to care for small children are often able to clock a few hours remotely while the infant naps or when toddlers are in preschool even before they are fully comfortable coming back to work in the office full time. People with disabilities can work from home where they may be able to work with more comfort, a great outcome for both the employee and the business.

Simply providing remote work opportunities can make your employees much more accessible to many walks of life who might otherwise have trouble with the physical commute or time spent in the office.

Remote working easy for any business

Want the benefits of remote working for your business? Then Windsor Telecom’s cloud telephony and Microsoft Teams solutions have been built from the ground up to allow you to enjoy the benefits listed above.

Whether you are a small elite team or a growing enterprise, we can provide the phone solutions you need. To find out more contact us on 0800 160 1111.