Is Price the Main Reason For Businesses Moving To VoIP?

Is price the main reason for businesses moving to VoIP?

You may have heard a lot about this thing called VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Well, it’s the next move to get your business phone systems upgraded. If your business is suffering through high phone bills and inefficient equipment for years, a business VoIP phone system probably sounds like a godsend.

What will initially attract you to VoIP is the price as it is considerably cheaper than a regular phone service. Often, it’s just a low flat rate you pay monthly and initially you’re only moving your phone system to the internet so you don’t need to worry about investing in equipment any more.

But, if price is your only reason, you’re missing out!

An easier setup

One thing you might not know, is how easy the setup of VoIP actually is. The only thing you’ll have to do is recycle your old landline phones.

Setup usually takes place in a short time without creating the downtime issue with other systems. All it usually takes is plugging in to your existing internet line, though you have to make sure it’s a high-speed line.

Improving internal communications with staff

VoIP helps you and your employees connect better, especially if they have to step out of the office for a while.

Improving internal communications is something to focus on seriously since relaying information faster brings a more competitive edge. When working on critical business projects, especially, being able to reach your employees in real-time enables the faster proliferation of innovative ideas.

The mobility aspect to VoIP helps this alone. It also means using features like conferencing and voice to email. For the latter, your employees can receive voicemails in their email systems while on the go.

Allowing employees to work elsewhere

You’re seeing a larger trend developing where employees work from home more often. If you’ve held off on this because of lack of technology, VoIP opens the door.

It’s possible to create multiple extensions on your mobile devices with VoIP service. This enables your employees to take or make calls from anywhere. Now they can work from home and make calls to customers through your business number.

Likewise, they can receive calls from you, colleagues, or clients. Being away from the office only leads to more productivity when the employee knows they no longer have to stay tied to a desk.


Providing a more professional phone system for customers

Don’t forget about the many internal features VoIP provides, with one of the most common being a switchboard which includes voice commands. Those of you running a startup or a small business can use this feature to sound more professional and assist with multiple calls at once. It’s the advantage to using the internet for your phone over a quickly ageing telephone line.

At Windsor Telecom to learn about how we can set you up with VoIP immediately to start enjoying exponential features with the money saving.