Work smarter: Join us at the Reading Business Expo 2019

Come and join Windsor Telecom on stand 62 and see what we have to offer you, at the region’s biggest B2B exhibition taking place at The Madejski Stadium on Thursday 28th February 2019, between 10am – 3pm.

Find out how you can work smarter with an integrated office and mobile communications solution. Striving to be agile, scalable, and future-proof is critical to the success of your business and communications is the key driver. In a world of mobile working, rapid market changes, rising customer and employee expectations and increasing business collaboration, traditional phone systems no longer match modern business needs. A unified communication solution to integrate into your business. It can help you grow, save money, work smarter and deliver great customer service.

With over 500 businesses attending the show, this is a brilliant event to gather new contacts that could benefit your company in the near future.

Don’t miss the chance to grow your connections by getting involved with workshops and speed networking throughout the day and listen to keynote speakers and become engaged with ideas and inspiration for your business.

Tickets are free, so there really is no excuse to miss out on this fantastic opportunity. Register today!