Give me more data... I need more data!

The demands on Business Connectivity

There are some scary stats out there that really emphasise how reliant we’ve become on the internet and cloud technology:

In 1992 global data consumption was 100GB per day. By 2002 it was 100GB per second.

In 2020 it was estimated to be 59ZB per day – if you didn’t know, a zettabyte is a 1 and 21 zeros worth of bytes! *1

Launched in 2005 YouTube has seen a rapid rise which saw it reach 800 million users in 2012 and over 2 billion by 2019.

This equates to more than a billion hours of video being watched every day. *2

Zoom launched in 2013. Within the first year it amassed 10 million users, by December 2019 it had reached 10 million daily meeting participants.

A few short months later, in April 2020, that number had soared to 300 million daily meeting participants. *3

Data demanding technology

Cloud technology has become the backbone of both our work and home lives, with more and more services moving from on-premises technology stacks to cloud deployments that can be accessed from anywhere. The blur between technology we use at home compared to that of the office is increasingly getting closer. Employees want technology that is as easy to use in the office as it is at home – making technology easy and enjoyable is essential for great productivity.

With the increased dependence on cloud technology comes the need for fast and stable broadband. Issues with lagging and freezing are associated with heavy internet usage and bottlenecking. In particular video conferencing, and some audio can eat into a business’s bandwidth due to the requirements to send larger data packets.


High-speed connectivity

Thankfully this is a situation that’s been anticipated, and across the UK the old copper wiring that limited the upload and download speeds of most businesses to double figure Mbps is being replaced by a fibre network that can allow companies to reach an incredible 1Gbps. Where full fibre is not available completely to the premises, a boosted fibre to the cabinet (FTTC) can also provide a great option where speeds of up to 330Mbps can be achieved.

As experts in connectivity Windsor Telecom can help you find out the fastest speeds that can be achieved in your office and provide you with a business-grade cloud router to help ensure that they’re achieved. Find out more about both our broadband and leased line packages or call us to start a conversation.

One thing you can be sure of is that the amount of data we consume will continue to rise. Another is that we have every variety of connectivity available to maximise your download capability and optimise your productivity.



*1 – & Cisco: *2 – Hootsuite: *3 – Zoom