Why you need a bespoke phone system

A bespoke phone system offers businesses immense amounts of freedom when it comes to tailoring the customer journey. Companies who partner with a reliable telecommunications service provider can construct and combine the set of services they need to create an optimal customer experience.

Below, we’ve rounded up just a handful of reasons why your business should be leveraging the power of a bespoke business phone system. Read on to find out more about how making a few simple changes to your telecommunications plan could make all the difference in customer satisfaction and sales success for your organisation.

Why your company needs a bespoke phone system

Personalised numbers

Personalised numbers are an easy way to strengthen your brand’s marketing strategy. Information retention plays a huge role in sales success– if customers can’t remember your phone number, where to find you, or what you sell, how will they ever have a chance of finding your company?

Leveraging a bespoke phone system certainly won’t help future customers remember your location or which items you sell, but it will take away the headache of forgettable and randomised phone numbers. Any custom-tailored solution that you can take advantage of over the course of doing business is likely going to benefit your company; personalisation is always a good idea.

Improved customer journey

The customer journey is critical to creating a healthy, profitable business. Nearly 90% of buyers are willing to shell out more cash just to have a great buying experience; and 65% of them view a positive experience with a brand to be more influential than advertising when it comes to purchasing selections.

But how does a bespoke phone system contribute to an improved customer journey? The answer is actually relatively simple– with direct routing solutions, customers’ calls can be despatched to the appropriate party much more quickly. That means questions and concerns get resolved faster and your customers don’t need to waste time sitting on hold.

Both customers and staff benefit from a bespoke phone system’s routing capabilities. Your employees will be able to speak to more customers and conduct business more quickly while your customers’ queries are addressed in record time.

Reduced inbound call costs

Taking inbound calls can start to add up on your monthly phone bill. With a tailor-made call minute package integrated into your phone plan, you won’t need to worry about paying additional fees or high rates for taking inbound calls.

Many companies are forced to turn to tactics which allow them to lower their inbound call volume in order to avoid paying out the nose to take calls. Rather than missing out on crucial opportunities to connect with potential customers, why not take advantage of specialised packages that allow business to carry on as usual?

Customers can get basic information easily

With a bespoke phone system in place, you can set up a call recording to play each time a customer calls your phone line. This recording can provide customers with critical information about call wait times or include a menu that allows them to navigate through your phone system.

If getting that sort of recording set up seems like too tall an order, there’s no need to despair! At the very least, you’ll be able to offer your (hopefully) paying customers with enough basic information that they’ll know they’ve called the proper company straight away.

With over five billion mobile phones in the world as of this year, it’s critical that businesses recognise customers’ growing ability to call on the move; and calling on the move means that recalling your phone number and getting through to an appropriate party need to be streamlined processes.

If you recognise your organisation’s need for a bespoke telecommunications solution, contact us today at 0800 160 1111 to learn more about pricing and purchase a package that’s right for you.