VoIP: 8 Frequently Asked Questions

Do you talk to your customers over the phone? What about your employees and suppliers? We’d guess that you probably do. The phone call is still as important as ever and one piece of technology has changed the way businesses call.

Although VoIP sounds really technical (the name doesn’t help!), it really doesn’t need to be. In a nutshell it’s just a really simple way of making telephone calls over the Internet.

Why does it matter? Because it’ll give you a cheaper and more efficient way to communicate with people.

We’ve put together some frequently asked questions we are commonly asked around business VoIP phone systems below.

What does VoIP stand for?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and is pronounced “voyp”.

What is a VoIP call?

A VoIP call turns audio into digital packets of data that can be transmitted over the Internet, unlike traditional calls made through ISDN (fixed) lines which use analogue audio signals.

What does a VoIP number mean?

An VoIP phone can be reached using a VoIP number, just like a traditional landline or mobile phone number. This number will still work with any Windsor Telecom memorable telephone number and will be your ‘target number’ that all inbound calls are diverted to.

How does VoIP work?

Voice calls are converted into to digital data and sent like any other data (e.g. Email). This allows you to make telephone calls just as you’d expect from a traditional system.

What is a VoIP phone?

A VoIP phone is a handset that can deliver calls in a digital format. Analogue audio is converted into packets of digital data that are delivered using a physical handset or from a smartphone app on your mobile phone.

What are the benefits of VoIP?

There are a wide range of benefits from using a cloud-based phone system – Read our simple guide to the three main reasons for making the switch here.

In summary, VoIP…

  1. Is cheaper to run than traditional phone lines because there’s less maintenance needed.
  2. Allows you to quickly increase the number of users to suit your business needs.
  3. Comes with a whole host of added technological features to improve your business’ efficiency.

If I move offices, would I need to change contracts?

Rather than waiting for your new office to be setup, you can simply take your handsets with you and plug them in at your new premises. So long as you have a broadband connection, your system will be good to go in no time.

Why would you use VoIP?

Overall, cloud-based phones are a cheap way of communicating with customers, clients and employees. If you’re looking to save money on your bills and improve the way your business communicates, it’s an absolute must have.