Your frequently asked questions
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Have a question regarding your cloud telephony Chrome extension? Check out our frequently asked questions.
Call notifications are powered by the notification system within your web browser. There are several possible reasons why you are not receiving call notifications.
Incoming call notifications are enabled by default. If you don’t want to receive these, simply click on the cog icon in the bottom left corner of the extension and untick Incoming Call Notifications.
Click (and select) to dial functionality is works by scanning the active web page for text that looks like a phone number. For this to work correctly, the entire web page needs to complete loading before the phone numbers become “clickable”. You may need to wait a few seconds before being able to click a phone number.
The extension allows you to perform a caller ID lookup using on the CLI (caller line identity) of the caller and a public API endpoint within your CRM. The API endpoint simply needs to accept an input parameter containing the CLI of the caller, using the [callerid] tag, and needs to return a string containing information about the caller, usually the person’s name or company name. If you require more information, please speak to our Support team on 0800 160 1111.
Whenever you receive a call, you can choose to open a web page by simply clicking the incoming call notification. This is called a “screen pop”.
A web page can be hosted anywhere on the internet and is usually used to add notes about the ongoing call, receive information about the caller etc. You can pass the CLI of the call by using the [callerid] tag.
Please note that incoming call notifications need to be enabled to use screen popping.
If you don’t want the click to call functionality enabled, simple click on the cog icon in the bottom left corner of the extension and untick Enable Click To Call. You will need to refresh the current page for the functionality to be fully disabled.